Exams taking place. Specific & required information will be communicated closer to the event.
Exams taking place. Specific & required information will be communicated closer to the event.
Parent & Carer Evening for Year 9. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.
Parent & Carer Evening for Year 12. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.
Half Term - School Closed
Exams taking place. Specific & required information will be communicated closer to the event.
Parent & Carer Evening for Year 11. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.
Spring Break - School Closed
Exams taking place. Specific & required information will be communicated closer to the event.
School is closed to all pupils.
Parent & Carer Evening for Year 10. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.
Exams taking place. Specific & required information will be communicated closer to the event.
Parent & Carer Evening for Year 8. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.