6th Form Dress Code

Sixth Form Dress Code

(created by Sixth Form students June 2022)

All Sixth Form students are required to wear formal business attire.

  • Clothing deemed appropriate: Smart suits, shirts with ties, formal tops, formal trousers, skirts or dresses of an appropriate length.
  • Outfits must not be too short or revealing.
  • Clothing deemed inappropriate: whilst the School does not wish to produce an exhaustive list of clothing deemed unacceptable for a professional work environment the following are not acceptable – Jeans, jeans style leggings, shorts, tracksuit bottoms or combat trousers.
The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: schooladmin@oldershaw.wirral.sch.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher