About Us

As part of our school’s rich history you are automatically a member of our Alumni network, however, we want to expand our Alumni reach through membership, in order to provide our current pupils with further opportunities and insight into real post-study life, broadening their horizons and unlocking their own potential.

The level of your involvement is up to you, it can range from attending events to mentoring our pupils or offering work experience placements and we are extremely grateful for your “giving back” to our school through your expertise and knowledge. This firmly demonstrates the “kindness” element of our ethos that will resonate with our pupils.

Members can benefit from networking opportunities with other members a as well as volunteering and paid opportunities such as exam invigilating or event administration where required.

As our Alumni grows the main areas we hope to provide for our pupils and school are:

  • Work experience opportunities
  • Mentoring opportunities
  • University and personal statement advice and guidance
  • Career advice – from those who have real life experience
  • CV guidance and reviewing
  • Talk hosting – face to face talks with pupils to inspire
  • Financial support – through donations to support us as we expand and improve

In joining our Alumni community you are choosing to help and inspire. You can register your membership HERE and we will contact you with more information.

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The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: schooladmin@oldershawschool.co.uk Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher