School Day


The school operates a range of cross site catering facilities providing a range of popular meals using cashless catering systems. Parents are asked to let us know as part of our admissions process which of the following three options you wish your child to take at lunchtime:

  1. School meal and remaining on school premises.
  2. Packed lunch and remaining on school premises.
  3. Home for lunch – in exceptional circumstances only and by prior arrangement with the Head of School

No Year 7-11 students are allowed to leave the school site during lunch time unless it is by prior arrangement with the Head of School. Students will be supervised throughout the lunch period. Students who leave the school without permission will be sanctioned accordingly. Students who have the appropriate permission to go home for lunch are expected to obtain a lunch pass from their Progress Leader (Head of Year), giving them permission to leave the school premises. All students are expected to be well behaved in the community. School rules apply from the moment students leave home to the time they arrive home at the end of the school day.


Attendance is a very important part of School life. All students must aim for 100% and good attendance is rewarded through certificates and reward trips. We ask for the full support of all parents in aiming for high standards in attendance. Holidays during term time will not be approved except in the most exceptional of circumstances; application for leave of absence in such cases must be made in writing via email to The Executive Headteacher , in consultation with your child’s Progress Leader, will make a decision in accordance with DfE legislation.

The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher