Within The Learning Centre at The Oldershaw School, we are committed to fostering an atmosphere and environment for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities which ensures they feel safe and valued. Our intention is that pupils with SEND are supported and challenged to develop the skills and knowledge needed to enter adult life with the appropriate qualifications, independence and confidence to be successful.
We have high expectations of all our students and work in partnership with parents / carers, relevant professionals and external agencies, including the Local Authority, to ensure the best outcomes for all our young people.
We aim to:
The Oldershaw School has a longstanding collaboration with Wirral Local Authority and we are extremely proud of our Resourced Provision Base that serves to integrate children and young people with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) into a mainstream school setting. The School admits pupils to the MLD Base at the request of the LA when a pupil holds an EHCP stating MLD as their primary area of need. These pupils are typically catered for through The Learning Centre where they can access individualised curricula and specialist teaching.
Placement in the MLD Resourced Provision is determined by the Local Authority SEND Team, not The Oldershaw School. The MLD Resourced Provision is very popular and pupils must already have an EHCP prior to joining the School and parental preference for the MLD Resourced Provision expressed during Year 5/6 EHCP Annual Reviews.
The Learning Centre has a suite of rooms and is well-equipped with assistive technology and specialist teaching resources. The Learning Centre also provides a ‘safe space’ for pupils, allowing all students a place they feel they can belong to if they are feeling anxious or in need of additional support. The Learning Centre has many clubs that run at break, lunch time and after the school day, developing both academic and social skills.
In April 2016, Ofsted said, “The quality of teaching in The Learning Centre, for pupils who have special educational needs or disability, is good. Pupils benefit from good-quality individual support, which helps them to achieve well and develops their personal skills successfully.”
If required. please contact our SENCO, Me E Colwell, or the School’s SEND Link Governor via School Office on 0151 638 2800.
Please take a look at our SEND Policy and associated documents on our policies page.
For further information, advice and resources to support children and young people with SEND, please visit Wirral’s Local Offer: http://localofferwirral.org/