School uniform is compulsory and must be worn at all times within school and whilst travelling to and from school. In emergency situations where a pupil is unable to wear the full uniform a written note signed by a parent or guardian is required. Pupils should present this to their Progress Leader (PL) or Assistant Progress Leader (APL) on arrival to school and a decision will be made regarding the arrangements for that day.
Blazer and Jumper | Burgundy blazer with badge and a mid-grey ‘V’ neck jumper. |
Trousers | Mid grey only – standard cut and style. |
Skirt | Mid-grey, knee length, loose fit or pleated; not bodycon / jersey tube. |
Shirt or Blouse | White with turn-down, button up collar |
Tie | School tie to be worn at all times full length and correctly knotted. |
Footwear | Plain black leather shoes. No training shoes, boots or pumps. |
Socks or Tights | Grey |
Hats | No caps or hats. In cold weather pupils may wear woollen hats outdoors. |
Outdoor Coats | Leather, suede or other expensive coats are unsuitable for school. |
Bags | The Oldershaw School has a specially designed bag for all pupils. |
Apron | Technology provide an apron |
Pupils not in uniform will be dealt with on a case by case basis, but could be asked to work away from other pupils.
Oldershaw branded PE Kit is compulsory for all pupils in every PE lesson.
Regulations for Appearance and Dress (Years 7 – 11)
Please note: this is not an exhaustive list. It is merely intended to show some examples of all black, standard, school-style shoes. If in doubt, please consult your child’s PL or APL before buying. Please don’t ask staff in local shoe shops as they only want to sell shoes and do not know our school policy.
Wirral Uniform Centre, Pyramids Shopping Centre, 2 Princes Pavement, Birkenhead, CH41 2XY | | |
Design & Stitch, Unit 6, Tarran Way South, Moreton, CH46 4TP | | |
Wirral FUSS is a voluntary organisation that distributes FREE pre-loved school uniform in good condition. There are no criteria to meet and no questions asked. The organisation also recycle uniform that cannot be re-used. You can contact Wirral FUSS via email to enquire about availability.
We also ask that you donate any pre-loved uniform items you feel may be of use to other families. We have a Wirral FUSS drop off located in our reception area.
The school also has a supply of ties and badges for sale.
Please also see PE Kit policy below.
Policy – PE Kit
Your child’s academic progress is our prime concern at Oldershaw and we therefore expect all pupils to be fully equipped to learn. To that end, please support us by ensuring your child has the following items of equipment every day for school:
An Oldershaw School bag
All students are expected to have an Oldershaw School bag with them as part of their school uniform every day. Bags should have your child’s name clearly marked on the inside and may be personalised with non-offensive tags, badges or key rings in order to allow easy identification. However, they must not have any writing, drawing or painting on them of any sort.
Bags that are damaged in this way or lost must be replaced at the family’s expense from Wirral Uniform Centre in Birkenhead.
A pencil case with pen, pencil, ruler, rubber and sharpener
These will be checked by form tutors every morning and pupils will be expected to buy missing items. Additionally, you may wish to provide a calculator, maths equipment (protractor, compass, etc) and coloured pencils, but these are not compulsory. A pencil case can be purchased from us directly via our Arbor School Shop.
The Oldershaw School Journal
All students will be provided with a school journal. This journal will contain relevant and important information, it will allow students to make a note of their homework and also provided a means of communication between home and school.
Mobile phones can distract from learning and present a potential safeguarding risk. Therefore, they must not be seen or heard in school. If they are seen or heard, they will be confiscated and placed in a secure locker in our reception area from where they can be collected by the parent/guardian of the pupil at the end of the day. Pupils must turn their phones off before handing them over.
Please see relevant section of website.