Trustee Recruitment

Following the restructure of the Governing Board of the Academy, a number of long-standing Governors have moved into the oversight role as members of the Academy, and this has created a number of vacancies within the new Trust Board.

The Trustees have the day to day responsibility for the governance of the Academy; there are two main sub-Committees, Finance, Audit and Risk (FAR) and Curriculum Standards (CSC) and Trustees typically serve on one or other of them and additionally they are attached to an academic department as a Link Trustee.

We are now seeking to strengthen the existing team and are looking for interested and committed individuals who would like to play a part in the Academy’s development as we move into our second century of providing high quality education to the young people of Wallasey.

We are seeking Trustees from diverse and varied backgrounds and specialisms, and welcome enquiries from anyone who feels that they have a contribution to make to Oldershaw. In particular people with a legal, financial, audit, human resources or a secondary education leadership background are especially encouraged to enrich our current skill mix.

In the first instance, and to have an informal conversation, you should make contact with Dr Ian Cubbin, Chair of Trustees, who can be contacted through the Academy on to arrange a mutually convenient time.

Further information including a job description and person specification can be found on the Academy website under vacancies



The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher