

Exams taking place. Specific & required information will be communicated closer to the event.

Pastoral Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Year 7. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.


Exams taking place. Specific & required information will be communicated closer to the event.

GCSE Results Day

Collection in specific groups as below: Surnames A-D - 10AM Surnames E-K - 10.30AM Surnames L-P - 11AM Surnames Q-Z - 11.30AM Y12 & Y13 pupils collecting resit and Level […]

Sixth Form Open Evening

Sixth Form Open Evening for prospective Pupil, Parents and Carers.


School is closed to all pupils.

Y9 Options Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Year 9. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Y9 Parent & Carer Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Year 9. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Sixth Form Parent & Carer Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Sixth Form. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher