
Y9 Options Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Year 9. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Y9 Parent & Carer Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Year 9. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Sixth Form Parent & Carer Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Sixth Form. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.


School is closed to all pupils.

Y7 Parent & Carer Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Y7. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Y8 Parent & Carer Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Y8. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Y6 SEND Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Y6 SEND. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Y10 Post 16 Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Y10. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Post 16 Information Event

Post 16 Information Event Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

Y10 Presentation Evening

Parent & Carer Evening for Y10. Specific times will be confirmed and communicated prior to the event.

The Oldershaw School
Valkyrie Road, Wallasey
Wirral CH45 4RJ
T: 0151 638 2800 E: Executive Headteacher: Mr S Fisher